Blended Learning UK was originally founded by Professors Pereira & Leinster. The Blended Learning Team are based at the James Paget University Hospital (JPUH) NHS Trust who originally funded this innovative development in online education in 2010.
JPUH and the University of East Anglia (UEA) have a long history of collaboration in delivering high quality education to healthcare professionals. In 2011, a core team from JPUH worked with the UEA to launch the internationally acclaimed Master’s Degree in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery. This inventive online programme, currently led by Associate Professor Sue Down, has won several awards and enabled surgeons across the World to access quality education, improving their knowledge and benefitting patients globally.
We are now global leaders in Blended Learning with over a decade’s experience in delivering cutting edge Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and Master’s level courses across multiple healthcare disciplines.
Our team comprises of educationalists, surgeons, physicians, nursing practitioners and technologists with strong links with the UEA. The innovation and excellence in online education using immersive technology by the Blended Learning team has been recognised with international awards and endorsed by multiple professional and education associations in the UK, India, Middle East, Europe and Australia.
We are acknowledged as a Centre of Excellence by Healthcare UK (NHS) based on consistently excellent student feedback of 90% and the positive impact of our courses on clinical practice.
Executive Director / Founding Programme Director for Blended Learning(JPUH/UEA)
Joint Programme Director & Educational Consultant for Blended Learning(UEA)
Deputy Programme Director for Blended Learning(JPUH/UEA)
Assistant Director for Strategy and Transformation, James Paget University Hospital.(JPUH)
Clinical Service Manager/Nurse Lead for Blended Learning (JPUH)
Academic Support Manager for Blended Learning.(JPUH)
Blended Learning Digital Specialist & Developer(JPUH)
Blended Learning UK Digital Services Administrator(JPUH)
Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Professor of Surgery.
Professor Pereira is also Programme Director for multiple Specialist e-Learning Mastership Programmes at the UEA, Norwich, currently recruiting candidates from over 50 countries and Programme Director for multiple NHS blended learning courses in nursing, midwifery, specialist nursing, and endoscopy commissioned by Health Education England.
He is a founder member of Norwich Medical School, established undergraduate training programme at the James Paget Hospital leading to University hospital status for the Trust, examiner for the European Breast Specialist Examination Board (EBSQ), MD and MSc degree programmes. Invited National and International speaker delivering over 200-lectures including key-note addresses.
Sam is also an Emeritus Professor of Medical Education. He has a clinical background in General Surgery and Surgical Oncology. Sam was a former Inaugural Dean at Norwich Medical School University of East Anglia, UK, and Director of Medical Studies at the University of Liverpool where he led the introduction of a new undergraduate curriculum.
In the past Sam was a member of the Executive Committee of the Association of Medical Schools in Europe (2014-2016). He was also an Education Associate for the General Medical Council from 2004 -2016 leading visiting teams to medical schools as part of the GMC Quality Improvement Framework. He is currently a Senior Adviser to the World Federation of Medical Education at Norwich Medical School.
Associate Professor at UEA and Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon and Clinical Lead for Breast surgery at the James Paget University Hospital.
Completed initial surgical training in Manchester, and a PhD in Cancer Studies at the University of Birmingham.
Undertook a National TIG Oncoplastic Fellowship and was Chair of the National Breast Trainees Group.
In addition to her clinical role, she is Course Director for several award winning Mastership programmes in Specialist Breast Surgery at the University of East Anglia and has broad experience in clinical assessment methods.
Current Chair of the National Education and Training committee, Association of Breast Surgery, UK.
Will currently takes a lead role in the delivery of Transformation and Strategy Programmes at James Paget University Hospital, which includes providing support to the Blended Learning Programme from a Commercial perspective.
His previous roles were in Business Management in another acute Trust, as well as Commercial Management in NHS community services.
Yvonne has been a qualified nurse for 26 years. She has practiced in four different countries gaining vast experience and competency in a variety of expanded roles & attained an excellent insight into a vision for delivery of patient care in different ways.
Yvonne’s specialty is in Critical Care and she spent 10 years working as a Practice Development Nurse for undergraduate and post-graduate staff which has given her great intuition and appreciation of many learning and teaching styles.
As Clinical Service Manager/Nurse Lead for Blended Learning Yvonne’s role is manage the service in its entirety, including budget management, negotiations with internal/ external stakeholders. Leading the development, delivery and marketing of the programme and representing the Trust and Blended Learning UK both nationally and internationally.
Tracy has worked in the Department of General Surgery/Breast surgery since 1993. Within her role she has the opportunity of supporting the development of the successful UEA MS Specialist Masterships Programmes from its inception in 2010.
During the last 5-years Tracy has worked as Interim Administrator for the JPUH Blended Learning programmes, liaising with key stakeholders, Royal Colleges, Health Education England, and Norfolk & Waveney Workforce planning.
In addition, Tracy provides support to National and International faculty in development of cutting edge blended learning programmes.
Dan has been a Digital Technology Specialist at James Paget University Hospital for over 5 years before joining the Blended Learning Team. He is the primary provider in both creative and technical expertise to the team and users, both nationally and internationally, and produces content for blended learning from a range of different media sources.
His role also involves developing digital technology solutions for education, including the design, development, testing and delivery of material created using rapid authoring tools, various software and digital technology tools.
Joe’s role is to assist the Blended Learning Clinical Service Manager on projects, acting as the project administrator and co-ordinator. Joe also provides comprehensive secretarial service to the Blended Learning Team.
Chris has worked for the University of East Anglia for more than 10 years on the development of award winning online blended learning programmes. During this time, Chris has also worked in collaboration with Professor Pereira and his team at the James Paget University Hospital to produce an equally high standard of learning courses. His role is to build the blended learning courses – “I will strive to continue to develop and enhance the quality of the blended learning approach to learning”.