Blended Learning UK Courses

Introduction to Breast Care

Introduction to Breast Ultrasound

Competencies in Emergency Surgery

Critical Care Module

Fundamentals of Wound Care

Transition to the uK for international medical graduates (IMG'S)

Breast Ultrasound Practical Workshop

Clinical Skills - Standalone courses or package available

Venepuncture & Cannulation

Insertion of a Nasogastric Tube (NGT)

Electrocardiograms (ECG)

Male Catheterisation

Female Catheterisation

Introductory tour to Pharmacy

Blended Learning UK & University of East Anglia - Continued Professional Development Courses (CPD)

Clinical Leadership & Management

Breast Reduction

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Complex Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Proctology and Functional Bowel Disorders



Breast Augmentation

Colorectal Emergencies